Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A long Over-Due Update!

Well, let's see....50 blog posts in 2009 and only 6 in 2010. I think there is something wrong with this picture. Between late April until now we have been extremely busy. We were finishing up the building of a new house ourselves, moving in this summer, and we are still painting, staining, etc to make this house complete. Not to mention there has really not been much to report. So, needless, I'm lacking on blogging.

BUT I am going to catch you up to speed. Thankfully, we do have a new larger home to bring home babies in. For that...I am so grateful. But, it still could be some time before we get them home. Our agency has been working on solidifying partnerships with orphanages in India for many months. Currently there have been two partnerships made which is a very good thing! However, one orphanage is in the process of getting licensed in order to actually "do" adoptions. The other is complicated. (i might blog about that some other time)

Our best bet at this moment is the orphanage that is working on getting licensed. We are told it could be another 6 months before they are approved to make referrals. So, this is looking like the one we are waiting for. We are still also waiting for CARA (Central Adoption Resource Agency) to pass their newest adoption guidelines that might also allow us to have a quicker referral. BUT...we've been waiting on them to push those guidelines through since we began this process in April of 09. So, I'm not banking anything on that option.

The other twist in this story is that it is becoming increasingly harder to adopt an infant from India. Adoption agencies are finding that India is really allowing less adoption of infants and more adoptions of older children and children that are severely special needs. The more we hold out for an infant....the even longer it will be to receive a referral. So, we have been doing some serious thinking and praying! And to our surprise...the LORD really did a number on our hearts! (hoping to blog on this NEXT!)

We realize that this adoption is NOT about us. It has nothing to do with us. But it has everything to do with God's heart for ALL the children out there that do not have homes. It's about Him setting the lonely in families!(Ps. 68:6) Who are WE to say, what, where when and how old? Right? Especially after being reminded that it is the older children that are often over looked because more people want infants and these older children age out of the system and are left out on the streets to try to make it on their own. You can only imagine what that might entail.

So, with all that said, we have decided to be willing to receive a referral of a child age 6 and under. This will help us out with a lesser wait and it allows for God to have His way with us. We also are willing to receive a sibling group if available. So, who knows what the LORD has in store for us. But we are open to what ever He wants and have cast aside what it is that we think we want. We will be blessed with whom ever the LORD chooses.

So, lastly...there is somewhat of a glitch in this whole process. Since our moving into the new house...we've yet to sell the old one. It has been on the market now for over a year and since moving to the new house in July...this has put us under a pretty tough financial strain. AND to make matters more interesting...our immigration papers are expiring (it's already been almost 18 months!)and need to be renewed. So, we begin the journey of starting over, getting all new finger prints done, backgrounds, police clearance, updated home study, DHR approval, Immigration approval and consulate approval etc. And hoping that we will even be approved.... given our current financial status.

We are trusting in God alone to work all this out for us. To me it seems impossible. But, I know the ONE who says nothing is impossible with HIM. So, there we place our trust. Knowing that He will work all things for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)

We truly covet your prayers at this time.
To God alone be all glory.


Karen said...

Lifting you up in prayer today. I know that you will rest in His plan for you. Love, Karen

Fenwick 5 said...

You will be in my prayers Brittnie!!:)
I can relate to some of what you are saying today.