Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Some India Stuff

Hey all!

Wanted to share my heart for a minute. I have been so broken for a week. For starters, I have been following a group of Bloggers on a trip to India with Compassion International. The LORD broke my heart over India several years ago and I have been praying for that country and the people from that time on. But this past week while following the bloggers journeys, was a fresh reminder of the reality of the extreme poverty in this country and the desperate need there. As if their piercing stories weren't enough, I heard some more news Monday that broke my heart yet again. I want to share it with you, but want to give some India Adoption facts first so you'll see where I am coming from.

While researching adoption in India before we got started I learned the following things:

It is difficult to adopt from India due to popular opposition to the adoption of Indian children by foreigners.

Once a child has been abandoned, the orphanage they are placed in will make many efforts to find the birth family. They must attempt to find an adoptive family in India 3 different times. If that search fails, the baby will become available for International adoption.

However, non-resident Indian applicants are being given preference in intercountry placements.

If the baby is not placed in a non resident Indian home, then they will be illegible for adoption by Non-Indian families.

Because of this process, babies usually don't come home until they are 10 months or older. In most cases they are older because the length of adoption and process is more complicated for applicants who are Non- Indian.

India leans towards adoptive couples with infertility issues.

Can not have more than 2 children already in the home. ( in some cases they will allow 3)

Parents with two children of the same gender are expected to adopt a child of the opposite gender.

See how it can be seem difficult to bring home all these babies?

Check out these recent Adoption numbers from India:

  • 2008: 307
  • 2007: 411
  • 2006: 319

Seem fairly reasonable?
Then check out China adoption numbers:

2008: 3911
2007: 5453
2006: 6493

We are talking 25 Million orphans in India here!

Maybe I should say that again. 2 5 M I L L I ON babies that need homes! How hard should it be?

The news is that the India government agency that oversees adoptions, CARA (Central Adoption Resources Agency) has proposed new (positive) guidelines for Indian adoption. We have known about this for awhile now, because a lot of the Adoption Agencies have put their India program on hold until these guidelines come through.

But the new guidelines have been delayed since 2007. We have been praying that they would move forward this year in order to get more babies adopted and home quicker!

But, today they are still delayed. Which brings me back to my heart ache mentioned above. I inquired again Monday as to why the continued delays. One of the answers I received was that the religious groups (Hindu) view orphans suffering a positive thing because it will help them in their "next" life.


Gut wrenching!

25 Million Orphans suffering with little care and food and this is a good thing?

It has caused me to hit my face and begin fervently praying over these precious little ones even more!

So, this is what we are up against. We have been watching a few families bringing home their babies from India. So it's still moving....but its not an easy thing.

Please continue to pray! Not just for us bringing home our baby.....but for the 25 Million babies that need a mom and a dad, a place to call home and love, love, love!


Fenwick 5 said...

I totally agree,where are these children and why does it have to be so difficult to adopt these precious children?:( I hope that these adoptions move faster for the sake of these children.:) They desrve love and a family,not suffering.

Kristi W. said...

Great post!!! I love your heart for India, I share the same passion. Your post challenges me to spend way more time in prayer for my daughters' birth country and the children who are suffering there. Keep spreading the word, girl!!!

:) Kristi

theheartofachild said...

Well said! Praying with you!!!!!

Chantelle said...

Hi Brittnie! I wanted to say thanks for joining my blog 'following' and I'm glad to have found you! I look forward to following your journey as well! India is near and dear to my heart as well. God bless!

PJ Academy said...

Agree 100%!!

Can I tell ya something though from experience sometimes the "rules" can be bent.....our God is BIG :)

We use WACAP for our placing agency and we had 3 bio adopting a little girl. Approved. Then we meet a little boy we have interest in and now have 4 kids at home (11, 9, 9 and 4) WACAP tells us "probably not gonna happen with 4 kids home".......APPROVED!!!

So we begin the process to child #5!!